
Good morning everyone. I know that I have not written in almost 2 weeks. I have been super busy with work and studying to get my sport nutrition license. I am almost there. All I have left is to finish writing a business plan and taking my final exam. I has been a challenging, but also super exciting subject to research.

I have been doing daily workouts to try to strengthen my entire body, as equally as I can, at the same time. Every day I work out a different area of my body so that as I begin to lift heavier, I have a strong core, and strong muscles throughout my body, to help with the lifting and to help so that I do not injure myself during the process. That would hinder process and possibly, depending on how bad you are hurt, reverse part of the progress that has been made.

I am still working on building my squat rack for my workout room. I have everything else that I need, except a bench and heavier weights, as my kettle bell is to light and I need some heavier dumbbells, as well as more weight plates for my curl bar and my barbell. It is hard to find right now and, unfortunately, a lot of those selling used equipment are price gouging and I have noticed that a lot of people are buying the new equipment for a low price and turning around and upping the price by, double in some cases, instead of leaving the items to be purchased at a decent price from the store. Sorry about the ranting, I just find it so disrespectful when people are only looking to see how much money they can make off of another person, especially during a time of struggle. Ok, I am done ranting.

P.s. I joined the Pacific 22 push-up challenge to suuport our military veterans. You do 22 push-ups everyday in October.

Published by CoreCrusher

I am a mother of 3 beautiful children. I am a cancer survivor. I spend a lot of my time, when I am not at one of my jobs, baking and trying to find new ways to make God famous.

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